64. “She doesn’t mind hearing about every detail of your day.”
65. “We have a million inside jokes. She’s hilarious.”
66. “She instilled in me a deep love of ice cream.”
67. “She gives so much of herself to others.”
68. “She gives you real talk when you need to hear it most.”
69. “She would do anything for me.”
70. “She loves bright colours, and she makes life more colourful.”
71. “A lot of times, she’ll call me just when I was thinking about her.”
72. “She loves my kids even when they are having meltdowns.”
73. “She’s my sounding board for all major life decisions.”
74. “Every time she visits me, she organizes one of my closets or shelves!”
75. “She shows me how to look for the silver lining and make the best of every situation.”
76. “She’s the one person who will never get tired of hearing me talk about my kids. (Or at least she never lets on!)”
77. “She still uses ‘real mail,’ as in envelopes in my mailbox for me and my kids.”
78. “She made me clean my room. Didn’t like it then, but now I appreciate the tidy streak she instilled in me.”
79. “She gives you cute nicknames that you’d only want her to call you.”
80. “Even though I’m an adult now, talking to her is still my comfort when I’m sick.”
81. “She plays word games with me on our phones.”