Life’s most special people deserve a special greeting. Featuring exquisite craftsmanship, Signature represents the very best from Hallmark.


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The Hallmark Signature Collection is a premium line of everyday greeting cards. Each card is designed with beautiful papers, rich textures and delightful embellishments. The collection is perfect for those who like sophisticated card designs that feel meaningful and authentic, as well as surprising and appropriate as a keepsake.
Elegantly crafted designs combine with concise and heartfelt messages. Stand-out innovations for the greeting card category include removable headbands, usable chalkboards, fun hair pins and necklaces, faux pearls, beads, feathers and more. Deep and rich colours, exciting textures and whimsical embellishments give shoppers an exciting sense of discovery.
Simple, meaningful messages complement Signature’s elevated style and substance, so the overall tone of the line is warm, genuine and fresh. Many card designs are inspired by current trends such as nesting dolls, fashion patterns, cupcakes, mustaches and even sushi.
Each card is individually wrapped to protect the special features, and inside the package is an envelope specifically selected to match. Some envelopes are enhanced with a heavier paper stock, a shimmering print technique or a specially designed liner.
Interested in purchasing Hallmark cards, gift wrap, boxed cards or stationery online? Visit for everything you need to celebrate all the important moments in your life.