Hallmark Keepsake brings out the magic in all of us, with unique and
beautiful ornaments that help you share your giving spirit with others.

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Customers tell us that they view Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments as more than just a holiday decoration. As they place their Hallmark ornaments on their trees, these charming decorative keepsakes help them relive the special impressions people have made on them and help them recall special memories and events.
Christmas trees first appeared in North America in the 1700s. Decorated trees were originally brought over by Hessians: German mercenary soldiers fighting in the Revolutionary War. However, it wasn’t until families started emigrating over from Germany and England in the 1840s that Christmas ornaments gained widespread popularity.
In 1973, Hallmark introduced a small line of six glass ball ornaments and 12 yarn figures as the first collection of Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments. The longest-running current ornament series is Frosty Friends, now in its 35th year.
Since 1973, Hallmark has introduced more than 8,500 Keepsake Ornaments and more than 100 ornament series. More than 500 local chapters of the national Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Club are active throughout North America.
According to Hallmark research, the top five reasons people have for buying and displaying Christmas ornaments are to:
- Commemorate a milestone
- Recall a special memory
- Represent a child or grandchild on the tree
- One day pass along the ornaments as heirlooms
- Express the individual’s personality
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