Ideas for sharing quotes with your favourite dads
- Print a quote and tuck it into his Father’s Day card.
- Print additional quotes and enclose one in his birthday card, a just-because card or any others you send him throughout the year.
- Post a quote on social media and tag him. Include your own comment about what a great dad he is.
- Text a favourite quote to him. Write “This reminds me of you!” or “You’re this kind of dad!”
- Email a quote to him and use it as a jumping-off point to thank him for something specific he’s done.
- Print a quote and leave it someplace he’ll find it (work bag, coat pocket, pizza box, book, car seat, gift bag full of goodies, etc.).
85+ Heartfelt and Meaningful Father’s Day Quotes

When it comes to words of their own, dads range from the outgoing guy with a story for every occasion to the quiet provider who lets his actions speak for him. When it comes to words about dads, well…pretty much every dad agrees those feel great to hear. An inspiring Father’s Day quote is a great way to honour a father you love and appreciate.
You can’t go wrong with these words from Hallmark’s writers. They’re warm, uplifting or funny enough to give Dad a smile—and might just inspire you to write your own sincere reminder of how much he means.

It takes a man of gentleness and patience, strength and compassion to be
the fine example of fatherhood that you’ve been. —Diana Manning

DAD: Tiny little word. Great big difference. —Keely Chace
More Affirming Father’s Day quotes:
- Father: Respected for his wisdom. Appreciated for his strength. Admired for his love. —Barbara Loots
- Being a good dad starts with being a good man. —Paul Treacy
- Of all the gifts a dad can give his kid, maybe the best one of all is a good example to follow. —Joey Benevento
- Dad hugs are strong hugs that can say so many things, like “I’ve got you. I’m always right here. And I’ll always love you.” —Melvina Young

Dads teach us lots of things, but the real lesson is always love. —Keely Chace

A great dad shows up, cheers loud, and loves—always. —Hallmark writer
More Inspiring Father’s Day quotes:
- Being a dad isn’t easy…but when somebody does it right, it reminds the rest of us what a world-changing difference a good dad can make. —Andrew Blackburn
- The best gift a man can give to the world is to be a good father. —Renee Daniels
- A father is the perfect blend of superhero, coach, and friend. —Jeannie Hund
- A strong father means a strong family. —Melvina Young
- For every dream that has taken flight, there’s a father who believed. — Jennifer Fujita
- They go beyond. They go above. Fathers have mastered how to love. —Keion Jackson
- A great father makes his family feel so blessed. —Diana Manning
- And so God created dads so that there would forever be bedtime-story-readers and cover-tuckers, shoulder-carriers at parades and star-pointers on clear nights, bike-riding coaches and driving instructors, love-providers and proud protectors. And He saw that it was good. —Melvina Young
- A dad prays for strength to protect his family, wisdom to guide them, and humility to learn as he goes. —Megan Haave
- A dad has arms to lift high, a heart to love, shoulders to support, a smile to reassure, a hand of blessing to send you out into the world, a warm embrace to welcome you back home. —Keely Chace
- God couldn’t be everywhere, so He invented Dads to handle leaky pipes and weird noises. —Dan Taylor
- A father’s faith is his family’s guiding light. —Jeannie Hund
- Bigger than the sky. Deeper than the ocean. Forever and for always. A Father’s Love. —Jeannie Hund
- A father’s love is like an evergreen: steady and strong, weathering all seasons… —Keely Chace
- A dad makes sure all his campers are happy campers. —Bill Whitehead
- Being a father isn’t always clear skies and smooth sailing. But every bit of the journey, the ups and downs and in-betweens, makes it an even more meaningful adventure. —Courtney Taylor
- A father grows dreams, each one a seed planted deep in the hearts of his children. —Mercedes Lucero
- No matter how small you were, when Dad said, “I love you,” you’d feel bigger than the sky. —Melvina Young

Fatherhood is one of the best reasons to need a little extra coffee. —Lauren Schimming

Being a dad is 30% patience, 20% heart, and 50% making stuff up. —Bill Gray
More Funny Father’s Day quotes:
- Fatherhood is full of challenges, but eventually they move out. —Dan Taylor
- Dad is the staple gun that holds the family together. —Allyson Cook
- Good dads forgive your mistakes. Great dads help you hide them from mom. —Bill Gray
- A good dad is warm, comforting, and filled with cheese. Okay, am I thinking of burritos? —Joey Benevento
- A man’s real wealth is in his children…for they have spent all of the other kind. —Melvina Young

Spoiler Alert: Grandpas are great at spoiling.

Warm and wise with a smile in his eyes—Grandpa. —Jeannie Hund
More Father’s Day quotes for grandfathers:
- Grandpas are dads without rules. —Bill Gray
- God puts a little extra love in a grandfather’s heart. —Keion Jackson
- Fathers know best. But grandfathers know bester. —Bill Gray
- Nonstop laughter. Always-there-when-you-need-it wisdom. Unconditional love. It’s no wonder grandpas are loved so much. —Andrew Blackburn
- A grandpa’s a guy who fills your head full of stories…your heart full of love. —Keely Chace
- Grandfathers see the best in us, think the best of us, and bring out the best in us. —Cheryl Hawkinson

One thing all dads have in common: On the day his kid is born, he’s the luckiest man in the world. —Jake Gahr

NEW DAD: No job too big, no diaper too full. —Bill Gray
More Father’s Day quotes for new dads and dads-to-be:
- Fatherhood. It’s as easy as A B C D. ALWAYS BE CARRYING DIAPERS. —Sara Quenzer
- Because flying babies need strong arms beneath them…there are daddies. —Keely Chace
- There’s no buddy like a dad. —Ellen Brenneman
- What’s a daddy? He’s a grown-up who never forgot how to play. —Keely Chace
- Shh…There’s a brand-new, big-hearted dad making sure a tiny little dream is safe and sound. —Jim Howard
- A dad’s job is to lift his daughter up so that one day she will rise on her own. —Catherine Hollyer
- A daddy can’t teach a little girl everything, but he teaches her to believe in herself, to never give up, to work hard. And that leads to pretty much everything else. —Andrew Blackburn
- Wanting to be just like Dad—it’s a daughter thing, too. —Keely Chace
- Happy, confident, grateful daughters come from strong, encouraging, loving dads. —Diana Manning
- Fathers and daughters, connected by heart right from the start! —Paige DeRuyscher
- A daughter who follows her dreams is a father’s dream come true. —Jake Gahr
- Dad, if I’m a good man—and I hope I am—it’s because I was raised by one. —L. Staten
- I look up to you as a man of great honour and integrity. Your example inspires me to be the best parent I can be. —Molly Wigand
- They say a man’s actions speak louder than words, and your actions have always spoken of integrity, goodness, love, and devotion. I love you, and I´m proud to be your son. —K. Andrew
- I’m proud of knowing I come from a loving family…of all the values you’ve taught me through the years, of our culture and our traditions…and I’m proud to be your son. —Hallmark writer
- Bonus love, bonus support, bonus dad. —Amber Goodvin
- Father’s Day is for men who have made a lasting impact on someone’s life. —Andrew Blackburn
- Here’s to every man who’s there to turn to, to count on, to look up to…just like a dad. May we honour them just like a dad, too. —Bill Gray
- Some men are fathers because they stepped in and stepped up exactly when they were needed. —Melvina Young
- We can never have too many people who care about us and love to see us smile. That’s why a great stepdad means so much. —Keely Chace

Father’s Day is for all men who love with a father’s heart. —Linda Barnes

A man who helps others hold on, hold together, hold strong also holds the trust and respect of those he loves. —Melvina Young
More Father’s Day quotes to honour any man:
- Some men you just keep looking up to, no matter how tall you get. —Keely Chace
- He didn’t think of himself as a hero, but heroes never do. —Stacey Donovan
- Here’s to all the wise, funny, tough, gentle, playful, hardworking men who make a difference. —Keely Chace
- With the love and attention of a good man, family roots grow deeper and stronger all the time. —Megan Haave
- Father’s Day is for every guy who holds nothing back…who gives his heart, soul, and energy to those he cares about and still finds a way to love them more every single day. —Andrew Blackburn
- There are never words enough to thank the good men who helped us find our way into the world. —Jim Howard